
How do you say "cool" in uncolloquial terms i.e in english not slang?

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All my life i say that girl is "COOL" or that guy is "COOL". when i try to use another word, i say "SAFE"...E.g, Rita is "safe" i really like her.

What word(s) in english language does "cool" stand for? And i'm not talking "COOL" as in Okay, Cold, Yes, Average, Easy-going and so on, But "COOL" in terms of POPULARITY.


1)Instead of telling someone you're not "COOL" or

2)if asking group of friends who is "COOLER" btw both of us? What should be the ideal term in those 2 sentences?(and the ones above)

Ive struggled to find the correct term so i would definitely appreciate your response but more importantly the answers, thanks guys!




  1. splendid, truly splendid!

  2. The word 'cool' as in Elvis was a real cool guy, is applicable to men only and when the word 'cool' is applied to a female, it means she is unreceptive to the advances of a male.  Her response is cool, like as in, "buzz off nerd", etc.

    What we have here are two languages, both English and one living inside the other.

    For ease of understanding, let's just call the main language English and the one living beside or inside it, slanguage or slang-English.

    Slang [slanguage] has always been popular amongst English speakers and users.  Indeed without slang, English would simply curl up and die.  So slang, is the lifeblood, the life-force of our language.

    Take at look at how we used English back in the Regency [c1800-1830].

    Maybe you can try to re-introduce your friends to some of the very clever Regency and often quite vulgar slang at the above site.  It is almost too good to be true - how modern is seems, even.

    Google COOL link

    Stay cool.

    The word 'cool' in it's modern use probably originates from the Jazz Age of the 1920s.  Back then a Jazz-fan or performer would usually be called simply a 'cool cat'.  Here's a real cool-cat - Mister Fats Waller - as usual surrounded by the girls as he tickles the ivories. . .


  3. Cool=  fashionable; hip; accepted; audacious; non-chalant; assured

  4. Here is a website that will really help you with slang words . . . see source below

  5. if you think a girl is good looking n that ...then :that girl is buff:

    or dude if a guy m8 is okay

    or :that person is sound:

  6. You're not popular/no one likes you

  7. Popular or in style?

  8.   An armani suit  and  t.v./ phone  would  make  you  well  accessorized  not  even  half  way  cool.

       In  the  other  examples  you  seem  to  use  cool  as  a  sign  of  respect.  This  being  the  case  I  suggest;  " That  dude  is  handling

    things. "  Or , " That  dude  has  got  it together! "  

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