
How do you say "deportation" in French? Do the rioters know this word?

by  |  earlier

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they beat a cop trying to marshall a peaceful negotiation with an iron pipe all over his head




  1. and where would you "deport" them to? most of the rioters are french, dont get it twisted.............if you were in France (and not listening to the silly news) you would know that the cops rammed the youngsters on the motorbike after a pursuit. who, in their right mind, ram a motorcycle with a car to stop it?! they used unnecessary force to stop these kids and the riots are the consequences of that. what peaceful negociations can come out of a police force that think they are above the law?

    its not the first time it happens and wont be the last! they were many prommises made after the riots of 2005 and NONE have been met!

    AUX ARMES!!!!

  2. the same word in french

  3. la déportation  (un déporté, une déportée)

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