
How do you say "do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend" in french?

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i really need it in French and a whole French dictionary




  1. Vous avez un copain / une copine    

    ( ami or amie is possible too)

    Do you have a boyfriend / a girlfriend


  2. if you just say ami or copain people might think ur just saying friend

    Tu a un petit ami? (m/informal)

    Tu a une petite amie? (f/informal)

    Vous avez un petit ami? (m/formal)

    Vous avez une petite amie? (f/formal)

  3. As-tu un petit ami/une petite amie?

  4. French (informal or normal conversation):Tu as un(e) petit(e) ami(e)?

                               which may sound like:  T'as ............

    English:Do you have a boy( or girl)friend?

  5. There are two ways of saying boyfriend/girlfriend. Most likely you are going to say this informally. Here are a few ways to say it. Pick what ever you want.

    Est-ce que tu as un copain? (boyfriend)

    Est-ce que tu as une copine? (girlfriend)

    Tu as un copian?

    Tu as une copine?


    Est-ce que tu as un petit ami?  ( boyfriend)

    Est-ce que tu as une petite amie?  ( girlfriend)

    Tu as un petit ami?

    Tu as une petite amie?

  6. English: Do you have a boyfriend?

    French: avez-vous un ami ?


    English: Do you have a girlfriend?

    French: vous avez une amie?

    Hint: go to babel fish yahoo

  7. avez-vous un petit ami/ une petite amie ?

    as-tu un petit ami/ une petite amie?

    ami(e) is just friend

  8. Tu a une petite amie/un petit ami?

    I think I duno

  9. Petite amie, copine(girlfriend)

    Petit ami , copain(boyfriend)

    (canada)ONLY ORALLY (NOT WRITTEN !! ;)

    Blonde (girlfriend)

    Chum (boyfriend)

  10. girlfriend is amie

    boyfriend is ami

    <3 there ya go!

  11. ydych chin dwp?

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