
How do you say "feel,forever,will you,so,me" in korean?

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can you please tell me how to say these words aswell in korean .i would be very happy if u could help me to learn these words i would be thankful aswell.

accept,widely,beauty,open,looks,chance... you,same,words,way,telling,alive,memorie... though,apart,shortly,dreams,daily,visit.




  1. Here, just use the Korean dictionary at Naver. It's not like those crappy online translators.

    Just type each of the words in the search box


    If you need it romanzied just email me. ^^

  2. ok, i shall be your English-Korean Translator ^o^ here are the following words that you requested:

    feel = 느껴 (nu ggyeo)

    forever  = 영원히 (young won hee)

    will you = this is kinda hard.. depends on what comes after, like, "will you (what)?

    so  = 그래서 (gu re seo)

    me = 나 (na)

    accept = 받다 (badah)

    widely = 대부분 (de boo boon)

    beauty = 아름다움 (ah rum da oom)

    open, to open = 열다 (yul da), or "it is open" = 열여있다 (yul yeo eet da)

    looks = 모습 (mo seop)

    chance = 기회 (gi hwe)

    you = 너 (neo)

    same = 똑같이 (ddok gachi)

    words = 단어 (dan uh)

    way = 길 (gil)

    telling = 말하다 (mal ha da)

    alive = 살아있다 (sala eet da)

    memory = 기억 (gi uk), but a cherished memory (about a special person or childhood) is 추억 (choo uk)

    though = 그래도 (gu re do)

    apart = 떠러저있다 (ddeo reo jeo eet da)

    shortly = 곧 (got) *pronounced like "goat" but shorter

    dream = 꿈 (ggoom)

    daily = 날로 (nal lo)

    visit = 방문 (bong moon)

    wooow that took a while, lol! anyways, hope this helped expand your Korean vocabulary (=

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