
How do you say "hello" in irish?

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i need to no how to say it cause i forgot and am from ireland. but i need it for my school work in nz.




  1. dia duit-lit translation 'may god be with you' u pronounce it 'deea gwuich'....sure u'd kno that urself...u reply dia is muire duit...lit trans 'may god and mary be with ya'...pronounced 'deeis mwire gwuich'...

  2. dia dhuit

    pronounced - deeya gwit


  3. Dia Dhuit.

    = )

  4. lol how did you forget how to say it?

    as people have said ; Dia Dhuit

    but it literally means "god be with you"

  5. Dia dhuit- hello(dee a gwit)

    Dia is muire duit- hello (saying back to someone)( dee a is mwura ditch)

    Cen choi ina bhfuil tú? - how are you? (cane cwee in a will to)

    Tá mé ceart go leoir- im fine(taw may cart go lor)

  6. Dia dhuit, and the answer is Dia is Muire dhuit, then the first person says Dia is Muire dhuit is Padraig.

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