
How do you say "no, hers is more brown" in Spanish? el suyo or la suya?

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The question is "Este gato es de tu hermanita?"

And I need to answer in Spanish "No, hers is more brown"

It's either w/ suyo or suya.




  1. suyo. It refers to a masculine cat (Gato). In case the cat was feminine (Gata) then you use suya. "Esta gata es de tu hermanita? No, la suya es mas cafe.

  2. It depends on the gender of the thing you're describing, not the person who is possessing it.

    If you're talking about her book (el libro), then it's el suyo.

    If you're talking about her house (la casa), then it's la suya.

    So, the question you must ask even though it's not mentioned in the sentence is, "what is more brown?"


    Here's what I got:

    Este gato es de tu hermanita? (Is this cat your little sister's?)

    No, el suyo es más marrón.  (No, hers is browner.)

    Because 'gato' is a masculine noun, you would have to use 'el suyo'

  3. no,el de ella es mas maron....suyo or suya means yours i hope that helped =]

  4. That depends on what you are referring to, for example if you it is "su pelo" (masc. sing.) then, it is el suyo, but if it is about "su bolsa" (fem. sing.), for example, then it would be la suya.

    In other words, it has to agree with what is hers, not with the fact that you are talking about a woman.

  5. I would surmise that some people still don't quite get the whole spanish sentence structure thing.

    Q: Is this your LITTLE SISTER's cat?

    (¿Éste gáto es de tú HERMANITA?)

    A: No, HER's is browner.

    (No, el de ELLA es mas cáfe.)  [or El de ELLA es mas marrón.]

    It is in fact the little sister that is of more importance in this question and not the cat. As Gabriela P said, "It has to agree with what is HERS, not with the fact that you are talking about a woman (or the [Tom] cat).

    Also, tuyo(a) and suyo(a) can mean "your" or "yours" depending on context but NEVER his/her's/their's. Another thing, in some spanish speaking cultures tuyo(a) is familiar/informal whereas suyo(a) is formal. Others have it the other way around where tuyo is formal and suyo is informal.

  6. well, the masculinity or the femininity of the word depends on what thing you're describing. What's more brown? If The Thing that you're describing is masculine it'll be el suyo, if it's feminine it'll be la suya.  

  7. ANSWER:

    No, el de ella  es más  café.

    No, el suyo es  más café.

    both  are  right  you can also say instead  of  brown  marrón.

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