
How do you say "no offense" in Spanish?

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How do you say "no offense" in Spanish?




  1. say it in english and maybe someday they we will learn our language whoops where you going to mexico will then I cant help you  

  2. No quise ofender = I didn't mean to offend

    No quiero ofender = I don't want to offend

    And then the slang way (like we use "no offense" in English):

    "No lo digo de mala onda."   It's long, right?! It basically means "I don't mean it in a bad way."

  3. Sin ofender.

    When you say something, example:

    Your dress is nasty, no offense.

    Tu vestido está feo, sin ofender.

  4. No ofensa

    sin ofender

  5. I usually say "no quiero ofender".

  6. ok NO its "sin ofrenda"

  7. No ofensa

  8. "No te ofendas"  (Usted form: "no se ofenda")

    "No lo tomes a mal" (Usted form: "No lo tome a mal")

  9. Sin ofender.


  10. Hello. The answer is Sin Ofender. or Sin ánimos de ofender or No te ofendas pero... or No quiero ofenderte....oo there are so many ways!!

    For example :

    No offense but..You look horrible tonight.

    Luces horrible esta noche, sin ofender.


    Sin ánimos de ofender ,luces horrible esta noche


    No te ofendas pero luces horrible esta noche


    No quiero ofenderte pero luces horrible esta noche.

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