
How do you say this in German.....?

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During the meal we chatted about the local football (soccer) team, and then about the thunder storms coming tommorow.

Please help,





  1. Can you specify your question? Thanks!

    Have no idea what you really want to ask.

  2. Chest is right and the only one that accutally translated it correctly all the way through. AND bavarian german is NOT the pure German. She has a point there. Hannover (overall Niedersachsen, Hamburg etc.) are the places where you will find an almost accent-free German

  3. Während des Essens haben wir uns über das örtliche Fussballteam unterhalten und über die Gewitter die morgen kommen werden.

    I´m a native german speaker, so you can be sure that my translation is right :-)

    Greetings from Germany!

    PS: Bavarian is not a simpler and purer german ;-) The real and clear german is spoken in Hannover, in northern Germany. And german is german, no matter where you live in Germany. It´s just a different pronounciation sometimes, not a different spelling or even grammar. ;-)

    @Office J: I would know what you want to say, but the grammar is wrong. Even in Bavaria :-) And to be honest, I never heard of anyone who thinks bavarian german is easier to understand ;-) Maybe you don´t understand what they say in the Berlin Inforadio because of the accent. People in Berlin speak a very bad accent. They don´t speak the clear "Hochdeutsch".

  4. Während der Mahlzeit haben wir um die örtliche Fußballmannschaft geplaudert, und um das stürmische Wetter wir werden morgen werden

  5. Well, it really depends on what part of Germany your pen-pal is in. North, Central, and South Germany have different dialects. But if you want a translation, i can tell you, however I only speak southern bavarian German, which is a simpler more pure German.

    "During the meal, we chatted about the local soccer team, and about the stormy weather we will get tomorrow"

    "Währen wir waren essen, wir sprachen darüber die lokal fußball mannschaft, und darüber die sturmlich wetter wir bekommen morgan."

    Germans speak different than we do. The above really says:

    While we were eating, we talked about the local soccer team and about the stormy weather we getting tomorrow.


    P.S. Chestah I've heard of the ways upper Germans speak, and to be honest, it's really hard to understand. Bayern-Österreichische Deutsch is really simple though. The northern Germans, yikes, when they start going, i kinda get lost. I listen to German Radio, and I can understand more on Bayern1Schlagerradio than I can on Berlin Inforadio. But I'm curious, if I went to your part of Germany Chestah and said what I said in German, would you understand me?

  6. why do you need to translate it?  just say it in english!

  7. Während des Essens haben wir uns über Fußball und (dann) die morgigen Stürme unterhalten.

    I'd leave "dann" (=then)

    (morgigen = coming tomorrow)


    "the thunders storms coming tomorrow" more like " is kinda hard to translate i'd EXPRESs it in german like the above or add that they're projected.

    Während des Essens haben wir uns über Fußball und (dann) über die morgen vorrausgesagten Stürme unterhalten.

    (would be like: "... and then about the projected thunder storms coming tomorrow.")

    you either gotta do the first one or add "projected/vorausgesagten" because else it'll sound kinda retarded  in german : )

  8. The translation in German is as follow:

    Während der Mahlzeit plauderten wir über die lokale Fußballmannschaft. Dann plauderten wir über den Donner stroms. Die thunderstroms kommen Morgen.

    What I have done is broken up your statement into 3 sentences, so that the transaltion tool I used could do its job properly. So the above translates into:

    During the meal we chatted about the local soccer team.

    Then we chatted about the thunder stroms.

    The thunderstroms are coming tomorrow.

    You can use the link below to translate in future


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