
How do you say this in farsi/persian? I prefer it in the Afghan accent though?

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I speak some farsi but not as well as I would want don't assume I don't know any lol. I speak Dari but I am not fluent, maybe someone can write it in farsi and I'll change some words to dari words. thanks

anyways this is what I want translated:::::

"the girls in this school amuse me. Majority of them don't come here in the name of Islam, most come to socialize and compete in popularity. A lot has to do with looks. Not all, but most. I come here because this school is Islamic."




  1. "dokhtarhaye in madrese baraye man jaleb hastand.aksariat anha be khatere naame islam be in makan nayamade'and.bishtar baraye gharar gereftan dar mohite ejtema'ee va reghabathaye goroohi be inja amade' hame balke aksare be inja amadam chon in madrese islami ast."

    I couldn't translate the sentence "a lot has to do with looks"

    and mty translation is in persian accent.

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