
How do you say this in french urgent!!!!!please!!!!!!i really need help!!!?

by Guest63869  |  earlier

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can you say this in french

greet the market stall owner

ask if the carrots are available

ask how much that item is

offer the correct amout of money

say thanks you and good bye

please if someone could translate that into french that would be great...and i don't really need it to be spelt correctly ...i just need to know how to say with good like if i don't need to pronounce the s at the end or something but it has an s then don't write it could u write it how u would say it.

thanks so much!!!!




  1. I have put a translation and in brackets, tried to make explain how to pronounce the best way I could.

    1)Salut or Bonjour  [Salu.Bonzjour]

    2)Est-ce que les carottes sont disponibles? [Ess ke lay caarott son disponeebleh]

    3)C'est comment combien? [say commohn combee-yen]

    4)Not sure what you mean by offer the correct amount of money.

    5) Merci and Au Revoir [Mersi, o re-vwar]

    Hope this helps.

  2. Bonjour Messier.            

    Est-ce que on peut acheter les carrottes?

    Et combien les coutent? or Combien coutent les carottes?

    Voila (hand over the money and say how much it is in french)

    Merci beaucoup.  Au revoir.

  3. Bonjour monsieur (madame)

    Est ce que vous avez des carottes ?

    Combien couttes -elles le kilo svp

    voici, deux euro cinquante centiemes pour les carottes (2 and a half euro)

    Merci bien et au revoir

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