
How do you say this in the Palestinian Arabic or Lebanese arabic to a guy?

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TO A GUY? and please write it in the arabic-english font

I am glad you understand what I am saying. But you need to be careful because he often uses people to get what he wants. You should be careful because whenever you use to fight with me, you could have gotten suspended from the club. This is his plan, he uses people like you to say bad stuff to me so he wont be suspended or kicked out by Krystal. take care"




  1. ana mabsoota eno btefham shu 3am b2ool. bas lezim tentebih la2ano bado yesta3mel 3alam ta yekhod shu bado. lezim tentebih la2ano wa2ta kenet tet-khaana2 ma3eh, ken pheek tenshe7it men el-club. hayda tafasilo, byesta3mel 3alam metlak ta-y2ool eshya mish mnee7a la eleh ta ma tesh7ato Krystal. allah ma3ak.

    here u go, hope that helps..that was a tough one, so u better give me 10 points! lol joking..

  2. ana mabsoota inak bitifham shoo 3am ool, lakin lazim

    tintebih li anoo hoowa am yastaghil ennas mishan yakhod yaly badoo yah inta lazim tikoon harees li anoo lama bi titkanah

    ma3i kan momkin yitordook min ennadi ,hai hiyi elkhetta

    inoo yistaghil ennas yaly mittlak ta ye oolo shaglat moo mneeha leeya mishan ma titordoo krystal intibih ala halak mneeh

    hope that helped

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