
How do you score in the game of volleyball?

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how do you win in volleyball? how does the scoring work? have their been any changes? what is the scoring like in Olympic Volleyball?




  1. guys, she is wanting to know in addition to the 25 points, 3 sets, etc.  HOW the scoring is done.  In the old days you could only get a point when your side was doing the serving.  Now they have gone to a point awarded on either side of the net, meaning a point is awarded to one side or the other each time the ball is served.  Hope this helps.

  2. First to get to 21 Points, but 1st to 14 points in Final Set.

    You get a point each time you win a rally!

    Hope I helped!

  3. Actually Mark, it is the first one to 25 wins the set. The first one to win 3 sets wins the game. U have to win by 2 points to win a set. In the desicive 5 set teh first one to 15 wins the set.

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