
How do you season chicken with italian salad dressing?

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I have some boneless, skinless, chicken b*****s that i want to make for dinner. I want to flavor them with italian dressing. How should i do this? I'm baking them. Also, how long should i bake them and at what temperature? Thanks!




  1. I simply marinate it (minimum 30 minutes and maximum 3 hours). I then remove them from marinade, pat them dry with paper towels so that I don't start a flare up from the grill (charcoal, of course) and cook them according to which part of the chicken I am using.  they take about 10 minutes per side.

    Since you are baking it in the oven I would probably put the oven at 400 degrees, and bake the chicken for about 15 minutes then spray it with cooking spray, and then give them an additional 5-10 minutes in the oven.

    You can also add italian bread crumbs, parmesan cheese and some salt, to the marinade.


  2. Try Lawry's Lemon Pepper Marinade with this type of chicken.  Let it marinade overnight in the refrigerator.  Then you can broil the chicken 10 minutes a side or until the juices run clear (no blood).  It is very flavorful.  Yum!

  3. I like to marinate them for a day or so, but since you don't have that time, just put them in a ziploc bag with the dressing for as long as you can in the fridge before you cook them, then dump the whole thing into an aluminum foil "pocket" - foil in a pan that you can pull all around the chicken and roll it at the top.  So it's completely enclosed in foil - dump as much of the dressing as you can on top of them, bake for about 30-40 minutes in a 350 degree oven - it will turn them a little pink, so it's hard to tell if the meat is done.  

    For the future, I like to put my chicken in ziploc bags when I bring it home from the store with whatever I'm marinating in and freeze it - the meat totally absorbs the marinate and when you thaw it it's ready to go!

  4. I used Italian dressing once, and it was the blandest chicken I'd ever made!  I was embarrassed to serve it.  If you really want to use it though, add ALOT of fresh herbs to it (basil, oregano, rosemary),plus some crushed or minced garlic.  If you have some balsamic vinegar, add a little of that too. I hope it's a good quality dressing too, because cheap ones like Wishbone have a gluey, sticky texture to them ....Put them on a foil-lined baking sheet (sprayed with Pam).  I usually cover them with foil and bake at 375 for about 30 min, then uncover and bake another 5-10 min, but that would depend on how thick they are....

  5. you should first put the chicken in a bag, then pour about half of the dressing in the bag too and leave it in the fridge for about 1 hour, also add salt pepper.  then take it out and heat your oven to 400 degrees and cook for 30 min. or until done, good luck!!

  6. Use the Italian dressing as a marinade and let this sit on the chicken b*****s for a good 2 hours....then bake (covered for about an hour on 350)....this will keep the chicken very tender and full of flavor....just make sure you use an entire bottle of dressing per every 4 b*****s.

    And to add to the previous answer:  get a good quality dressing and as long as you marinade for a couple hours and cook covered, this will not taste bland

  7. But the chicken in a large bowl and pour the salad dressing over it.  Let it set in the fridge for about 30 minutes.  Take the chicken and bake it at 375 until it looks done.

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