
How do you see Israelis: Invaders or invaded?

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How do you see Israelis: Invaders or invaded?




  1. Originally neither...they were given something that wasn't anbody's t give away.

    Now?  They are the greedy.

  2. thats an easy 1, i think u no the answer --> israelis are "THE" invaders

  3. Neither - they are at home and when the Palestinians accept their homeland - then they will be at home too.

    Good Luck!!!


  5. neither...historically land has been won through war...the land of Israel being declared just so after the holocaust was so that Jews could have a home land.  For one reply to call Israeli's "land greedy" is completely idiotic.  Take a look at a map of the middle east and say it again that the ISRAELI'S are greedy....a sliver of land in the middle of giagantic arabic nations.  honestly.

  6. Invaded multiple times by foreign countries and terrorist organiztions.

  7. not the invaders because they were there 5000 years before the palestinians

  8. could they sleep at night

  9. A very strong nation.  On land they own.  Under seize by women and children making it impossible to simply resolve the problem.

  10. Occupiers of the Palestinian Territories, As the UN and the world sees them. Cheers!

  11. Definitely the invaders! they are not related to the Children of Israel meaning they shouldn't be in the land of Palestine, and are not native to the region.

  12. Definately invaded by Hamas/Hezbollah daily..The very day Hamas accepted the peace treaty Hamas bombed several Israeli towns..

    Israel's small the size of NJ & the Arabs want it all & to throw  ALL Jews into the sea..Then Xtians & everyone not Muslim must convert or die..

    To the uninformed jerk saying all Jews are from other lands,well my Great great great parents were from there so much for your BS propaganda!

  13. Does it matter. Until Hamas the child killers are eliminated there will be no peace for the arab nations.

  14. invaders just like rats

  15. invaders they took something that isn't theirs.

  16. -they are under siege

    -however there are now hundred of thousands, sometimes three generations of refugees, often living under desparate conditions,  as a result of the military and political actions by the Israeli's over the past 4 decades.

    - it will be a great blessing, not just for the Israelis and the Palestinians , but for all of us, when the people on both sides  of this  situation really begin listening to each other.

  17. neither.... but my friend

  18. If a group of people came to anyone of you, saying : you have to pack up your belonging and  leave your homeland, this land was ours 3000 thousands years ago, what would anyone do then !!

    Zionists thought that Palestine was an empty country, waiting for them to inhabit it , so they had discovered ,that ;there are people in there ,( Palestinians ), ‘’they shall understand ‘’ Zionists said ,”would you please pack your belongings and leave quietly, we appreciate your understandings”

    When Palestinians, are fighting back, defending their country, they ‘re called (terrorists) ; by Israelis , American administrations  and the media dominated by Zionists .

    History of Plaestine :

    Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ,. Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa. The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years. The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar. By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion. The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches. The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

    Zionists are the invaders, crystal clear

  19. Neighbors!

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