
How do you see the future of the pharnaceutical industry?

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What could be main trends and would the bioenergetic models be guiding ? F.e. everyone to have the possibility to be scanned at home and being prescribed the optimal scheme for healing/ correspondant medicines etc.




  1. Big pharma hates herbal remedies.  The alternative treatment movement will likely do as it always does and operate in the shadows while the government is lobbied to do away with all alternative forms of medicine.

  2. Here's a question: how is this related to the science of the paranormal? Or other "alternative" sciences?

    Personally, I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and say that bioengineering is really the wave of the future. But hey, I'm not a psychic.

    Oh, and... Pfizer produces some excellent products, but have done more to damage the industry than most of the other companies due to the way they use medical patents. On occasion, they buy a patent they can't use, and it goes onto a shelf instead of going up for sale (or even up for licensing really cheap so that it can make lives better).

    Therefore, invest heavily in this Fortune 500 company so that you can lose your shirt if and when the public finally wakes up.

  3. cloning and stem cells

  4. There will always be a market at the high end but more and more people are turning to alternative therapies that work better than prescribed drugs.

    The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, one of the greatest medical institutions on the planet has released documentation showing that over 40 of people are using alternative therapies and over 70 percent will adopt similar practices in the near future. They already have a holistic medicine division.

    Bleeding edge technology will continue but there will be an increased downturn in prescription usage. One of the leading factors in the demise of the industry is the link between government and medicine. It is becoming glaringly obvious that we have been manipulated.

    As far as trends, just like now you go to a store to find what you want and order it over the internet. I go to the doctor to find out what drugs I need to take and then I order it from India.

  5. I'll second Red Heron on Pfizer, tho I own some of their stock, mostly for their juicy dividend (better than a bank CD).

    Aside from that, we have the pharma lobbyists to thank for escalating costs of prescriptions. Why DON'T we have the (admittedly socialist) Canadian system of price supports? That would be one less(er) cost to cope with. You've got our entrenched pharma industry to overcome, OK?

    Euro/India/China could handle all our needs, once they institute better quality control. A more efficient FDA could do much to speed approval of new developments, but then, it's a government agency-

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