
How do you see this in your head?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike your head how do you see the year/time/days? I asked some people and they all say they see the year/the week in a straight line or as calendar pages. I see the year as a circle moving round with the months. Am I the only person who see's time in this way???




  1. I think it depends on what type of calendar the person is using. Perhaps you often use circle calendars and remember of them when you think about time.

  2. i do not picture the whole year or week when i think about it. i just see the moment i am in. i just know its 8/31/2008 and can picture the date like this.  if i didnt have a job that i had to write the date out so many times i do not even picture it like that. i just get up and do what i gotta do for that day not even worrying about tomorrow, or the days or months after.

  3. I see it more of a endless procession of carasells that sort of bump out but you don't see the back of them, tehy come in different colours and feelings.

    I have a ******* good idea of time and that in my head, and the cycles and the way they happen.

  4. This sounds rather symptomatic of synestasia. Synestasia is a mixing of the senses that allows some people to see things in their heads the way you described.

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