
How do you see your child in like 10 15 years after being tough with special Education?

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please tell me your childs strenghts from getting placed and your childs weaknessees from being placed

also tell me if you have had a teacher so far tell you that they realy dont see hope for him or her please respond and i will get back to you and hopfuly i could tell you my whole story




  1. Inclusion is not for everyone but if it CAN work,and there is proof it HAS worked with a particular child,why wouldn't there be a fight to keep an aide?  Kids that are segregated will always be made fun of by typical kids.I think it's the fear of the unknown.That's why  I feel, when they can be taught together successfully, they should be.The Special child deserves it, and the typical children  learn that people that are different are not bad, just different.

  2. The positives of special education placement are:  smaller class size offers the teacher the time to spend with the students.  The material that is being taught is taught by someone who understands that not all children learn the same way.  The pace is slower than a general education  class.  Students are recognized / strengths and weaknesses. Also, special education doesn't have to be a life sentence.

    The negatives of special education:  I can see nothing negative about having a child in special education except for not feeling comfortable with it because of the name itself.

  3. OH MY!! Sweetie, I am a special education teacher (10 yrs in).  First of all, let me just say, if ANYONE told you that they "dont see hope for him/her", that person should NOT be dealing with children PERIOD!  Now, I have taught children from the profound range of mental retardation all the way up to simply learning disabled.  And I will tell you that EVERY one of them had strengths and weaknesses.  There is hope for all students, regardless of their disability! It just depends on their needs as far as what "placement" or "situation" may be better for them.

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