
How do you see your life?

by  |  earlier

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Now if I asked how you picture your life, what image would come to your mind?




  1. On It's way out!

  2. nothing....

  3.    As the sum total of all of my choices.

  4. hmmm interesting question.  I see someone who is on the outside looking in at what goes on, and is used to (finally) not being a part of the world.

  5. That would depend on if I were wishing for something or in need of accomplishing something.  If life were easy we would never learn anything.  Life is a path we set before ourselves prior to coming to this plain.  Your life is what you choose to make it whether it is now or predestined.

  6. A man enjoying being alive.

  7. a tree in the fall.

  8. A picture of my family....happy of course  

  9. burning candle...

    because I had gastric bypass surgery. So im loosing a ton of weight really fast.  Candles melt.  Flame is bright- bright= happy.  Thats what I am.  Candles are solid wax.  No matter how much I loose im still "me" (the same wax) just a different shape


  10. I am above 49, at this stage I do not see my life, I just live it.  

  11. I'm so lost right now, thank God for my kids.

  12. a spiralling black hole. it is full of pain misery hunger and sadness. thanks for making me visualize it was bad enough to just feel the pain, now when i close my eyes i see it!  

  13. Wine glass, a full ashtray and a bottleof lube

  14. Life begins at conception and should be respected from womb to tomb.  

  15. Dear Friend,

    I would have to say, my life is like a caterpillar into a butterfly.  I have gone from the temporary stuff of this world, into the eternal riches of Kingdom of Heaven that await me.  

    This is not my home, I am only passing through on my way Home in the hopes that I take along a lot of other people (souls) with me.  Praise God!

  16. a puzzle.

  17. As a path leading me Home.

  18. The image of the broken buildings in iraq. I'm deployed and my wife is leaving me, so that picture fits me perfect

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