
How do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

by  |  earlier

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I went to a couple interviews and I heard this question alot. I usually say a car, college , house, job or even a wife. i want to know does anybody have a bit more creative answers that can be used in a formal interview?

thank you for your answer =]




  1. By looking in a mirror.

  2. I see myself working here very succesfully. :)

  3. i want to be spit back in the eye and crush the ego of every person who has ever looked down on me because I was a grad student, too poor to buy a car and too undeserving to get a living wage.  

  4. In 5 years time it will be 2013, so by that time I will have been dead for about 7 months :p

  5. Well for a formal interview I would say something like...

    I see myself becoming more productive and learning more to help out the company...

    I feel I have a lot to offer and give if given the chance to work here...

  6. In 5 i'll be 23 so I hope i'm in college, Have my own apartment. I hope i'm dating or engaged to a sweet, nice guy that loves me.

    in 10 years---I'll be 28...So i hope to be finished with college(like training for the FBI forensic science or culinary school .

    I hope i have been married for at least 2 or 3 years. Maybe even pregnant     with our first child. I hope to have a house in the suburbs with a white picket

    I also hope my health is still good...I had a kidney transplant so i hope i still have that kidney and its working.

    I hope none of my family members or pets have past away  

  7. Dead.

  8. they are looking to see where your priorities are, the way you think,etc.

    This is a good one to ask people because it requires you to think.

    Career wise what do you see?  I am not talking title wise.  What kind of job are you looking for insert that in there.  one that uses your skills and while allowing you to adance.  Learning from past mistakes.  

    then say hopefully older, wiser, married, and kids.  

    GOOD LUCK.  All I can tell you is that whatever you say, you best believe, because this is one of those....that it will be apparent when you are answering.  That's why they ask it, it's revealing.

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