
How do you sell 50 % ownership in a home.?

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My sister lives in a home that is half owned by her ex. He never contributed a dime to repairs or upkeep and never paid child support or showed any interest except for being invested. She wants out. How do you go about selling your half?




  1. Sell it ALL, but give him half the money

  2. There's a couple of ways to look at this. First of all, is it paid off? If not, who's making payments? What did the divorce decree say? Has it been followed?

    That all being asked, she lives 100% of the time in a home she owns only 50% of. I'd love a deal like that, even if I had to pay all the utilities. But this only makes sense if the other spouse is contributing to the mortgage as asked above.

    As far as selling 50% of a home to a disinterested 3rd party, forget it. That's not going to happen. Your sister could try to sell it back to her ex or buy 50% from her ex, but I have little doubt they cannot come to an agreement on a price. The best solution is to sell the house and split the proceeds according to the divorce decree.

  3. It's an incredibly complicated process, particularly if she wants to sell to someone else and not sell her 50% back to him.

    The best advice anyone here can give is just see a lawyer who specializes in this kind of thing.

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