
How do you separate the culture of Islamic countries from Islam?

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I don't understand how countries that are and have been Islamic for hundreds of years can develop cultures which many of you claim are un-Islamic. Take Saudi Arabia for example - can you seriously tell me that Islam has not molded that country's society and culture? If so, please explain.




  1. You can't. Just don't practise anything which is anti Islamic in your particular culture.

    You should never be ashamed of your heritage you know.  

  2. if bacteria can have culture i dont see why islam cant ...

  3. every event in history moulds the country's culture...

    after 9/11 americans found the excuse to be voctimise and justified to bomb the world for eg...

    ofcourse religion has moulded much of the societies as we know them today... no need to talk about islam countries.. take europe,, in the 1300 the medievel times, the reinessance from that, all the inquisitions... the churches dividing, the cultures, the wars, the people, their language, their mentality....

    every country is soo individual becuase all have their story...

    however religion have indeed moulded all societies, the chuch is a political power as is the islamic religious guidance in all countries with a majority of muslims...

    however, ofcourse countries can snap out of being predominantely religious based.. and many a times that happpens when you have people from other countries infiltrating ghe systems and also more people who are educated....

    however a religion or spiritual belief is present in ALL the world... no matter where you go and what religion they have..

    middleeast countrieshave the tendency to be muslim and ofcourse islam has moulded them, it is their history, their laws for so many years but that doesn't mean that a country cannot develop in other ways which have nothing to do with religion.

  4. its very simple,

    if you wanna know if something is Islamic or not, just put it to the test against Quran and Sunnah, if it is there then it is Islamic, if it is not, then it is cultural and local to a country.

  5. Saudi Arabia is an islamic country. There aren't any un-Islamic culture.

  6. Well, sooner or later some cultural effects from other countries crawl in and change the way people behave. Or, somethings are kept due to tradition. My city is ought to have been an Islamic city but almost all the men keep mustaches and shaved their beards which is exactly the opposite of what the prophet (pbuh) said.

    It is true that a country like Saudi Arabia might be practicing Islam more than other countries do, however; this doesn't necessarily mean that it practices it 100%.

    You can learn Islam from the two primary sources of it, the Qur'an, and the authentic Ahadith. Any personal opinion which people give are not necessarily true. If commentaries of the Qur'an did not provide authentic Ahadith and narrations to support their commentaries, they wouldn't be worth anything. When someone tells you something, ask them to give you proof. And the proof better be an authentic proof rather than something like "Well, that scholar said so...".

  7. Im from SaudiArabia.. and heres an example of a cultural thing.. During Ramadan on the full moon.. We have a celebration for the children called Gergeean. (dont know english spelling).. anyways.. It is an old cultural event whereas years ago, when people didnt have much TV, Radio, etc and there was little electricity.. The children and families used to come out during the full moon during Ramadan to visit and play out in the village streets.. Towns were small, everyone knew each other.. The children sang and danced up and down the street under the full moon where it was light  and the elders tossed out candies, sweets, and nuts to the children.. It has sort of evolved into a Halloween thingy lately whereas the kids now dress up (but in traditional arabic clothing) and go to door to door singing Gergeean songs and asking for candy .. even the schools now pass out little bags of candy and nuts to the children during the middle of the month..  

  8. Saudi Arabia has Arab culture, which is different from Islamic culture.  E.g women are inferior, different races are inferior, money is power, power is important

    You can only separate the culture of "Islamic" countries from Islam by creating an Ummatil Islam (or Islamic Nation) as in the days of Muhammad pbuh

    There are no purely Islamic countries in the world.

    "And verily this Ummah of yours IS A SINGLE UMMAH and I am your Lord and Cherisher: Therefore Fear Me  (and no other)."


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