
How do you seperate confidence from ignorance??

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I'm not exactly sure where to separate them but maybe some of you will give me some insight. I am a 17 year old male from california. I have graduated high school early. I have a job and buy all my own things (even food). I have given my mother money for bills multiple times. I am very artistic and see things from many different perspectives. I love to question everything and love to learn. Contrary to what most would think i also smoke marijuana. My mom says she is going to kick me out because of it. I cant see why that makes me a bad person. I have gone out of my way numerous times to help people out and make sure my mother is a stress free as she can be. When i smoke i usually paint or research thing or read. I use it as a way to broaden my mind. She says that im too young to make it on my own but i have only lived with her for half a year (I spent most of my life with my dad). My dad and i have been through a lot of crazy things so i have learned from every mistake. I know i could make it on my own and at the same time (because most people my age cant do it) i feel that maybe I'm just being immature and ignorant. I'm curious to hear what some of you have to say




  1. There is a fine line between the two. Confidence is based on your opinion of your own ignorance. If your opinion counts as much as it does to you, then confidence rises above your ignorance. But if you are unsure, and you take the plunge, you are just ignorant to the dangers and perils ahead. It's all a matter of opinion, and is based on your confidence, whether is really is knowledge, or ignorance on your part.  

  2. In the event one has a cosmic view then this maybe of value.

    " It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. But though the work is important, the self is not. When you feel important, you lose energy to the wear and tear of ego dignity so that there is little energy left to do the work. Self-importance, not work-importance, exhausts immature creatures; it is the self element that exhausts, not the effort to achieve. You can do important work if you do not become self-important; you can do several things as easily as one if you leave yourself out. Variety is restful; monotony is what wears and exhausts.

  3. You should be confident because You've got your stuff together, son!

  4. Though Marijuana as you think might help you it doesnt and will eventually destroy your lungs and or brain.

    Though you might pay the bills you still have to listen to your mother for though your might have alot of experience you haven't experienced it all.

    You seperate confidence from ignorance by simply examining your capabilities and physica limitations as well as by knowing what is right  and knowing and obeying the laws!

  5. I'm not sure that you could live on your own if you don't pay rent, multiple insurances, etc. That's different than buying pot, flat screen tv's, food, etc.  Are you referring to yourself in the question asking if you are overconfident resulting in ignorance? I believe that once you think you're safe, life throws you a curve ball so be wary when you think you have things figured out.

  6. Making it, meaning surviving financially, is such a small part of being on one's own. The world is a complicated place, and sometimes we become lost without guidance. Your Mom, for good or ill, is trying to provide some of that guidance. Your previous life experiences may make her advice seem simplistic or inadequate, but there it is. Her advice is cautionary, as parents advice usually is.

    I had a friend who was very bad at drafting (mechanical drawing,) and I was very good at it. When we started getting high, his ability improved while mine deteriorated. Things change under the influence of marijuana and not always immediately either. If you are choosing pot over your Mom, that sounds pretty serious. Maybe you should look at what that means for your future.

    On the general question of confidence vs. stupidity, most people suffer under a delusion called "self-esteem issues." This delusion would have you think that confidence is universal and insecurity is a weakness. Those who believe in this myth try and "bolster" their confidence so they can handle any situation.

    Frankly if you are standing in front of 300 people and you are supposed to make a speech and you find you are butt naked, you OUGHT to feel uncomfortable. How comfortable we are in any situation is a function of our preparedness and experience, nothing more or less. No global self-worth c**p has any meaning, except for the self-help industry. So if you have never been on your own, you DON'T know how it will be and any confidence you feel is valid only so far as the experiences it is based on have sufficient relevance to being on your own.

    Thanks for the question, and good luck.

  7. General Eisenhower felt that 18 &19 year olds made the best solders.

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