
How do you seperate sand from salt using water?

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How do you seperate sand from salt using water?




  1. sedimentation n decantation....tht'll remove the sand.later you can use evaporation to separate the salt crystals n water

  2. pour some water on the dissolves the salt leaving the sand boil the water...u will get the salt...if u want the water back as well u will have to try fractional distillation instead of boiling

  3. 1. mix the sand and salt in water

    2. water will dissolve salt

    3. sand will remain undissolved

    4. filter the solution

    5. sand will not pas through the filter paper

    6. u get the salt and water in filtrate

    7. evaporate the filtrate

    8. water will evaporate and salt will be remaining..

  4. you can do the process called filtration or by evaporation

  5. by solvent extraction (dissolve salt when sand is unsoluble in water) followed by filtration (to get sand) and evaporation(to get salt)

  6. Water would disolve the salt leaving only sand and water, pour the water off and you have sand..

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