
How do you share infomation about observation with pre school childrens parents?

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How do you share infomation about observation with pre school childrens parents?




  1. Always start with the positive and never use negative words.  Always show that there has been improvement even if it has been hardly any at all

  2. we have all observations stuck in there profile which are there work book every term  parents see the books read the observations and give comments

    also when giving homework we talk to parent where there child needs the help

  3. Keep written records

  4. I write up a brief summary in my child's home to school diary, his step by step/birht to three booklet and keep a copy in the child's individual portfolio which is readily accessible to the parent/carer.

  5. If you are doing a direct observation of the children at play then you should obtain the parents permission first, explain what will happen during the observation and what will be recorded.

    You also need to tell the children whats happening

  6. I hold open days once a term to give parents a time to look through their child's file and have a chance to chat to their childs key worker.  In addition on induction I let the parents know that they can see the file at anytime or speak to the keyworker if they need more info.

    If we have concerns about a child's behaviour or they have an SEN or EAL we speak to the parents at the end of the sessions they attend to report back how they are doing.  It all depends on the child and the parent remember to treat each family as individual with their own needs being met.

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