
How do you shoot down people's ideas nicely

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I am wondering because I am doing some team work at the moment, and I seem to be the only person in our team not agreeing with the other people's ideas. I don't want to seem like a cow, because I'm not one, but of course I want us to do well and I think some of the ideas could really be improved on... if not changed. What do I do?




  1. just say "thats a great idea but here's another way of looking at it"  and then say your new idea

  2. First of all, I don't believe you "shoot down" other people's ideas.  

    There are very few "new" ideas around. Typically, what is considered "new" is merely a modification of another idea.  

    Therefore, instead of shooting down the idea, ask if they can expand on it. Have them explain why they chose to do it one way and not another. Often, a bad idea can grow into a good idea.

    In addition, it is easier to get a group to accept an idea if they all had a part in it's development.  

  3. its all about you isnt it

  4. Ask them questions about the weak points in their ideas, but phrase it as "we" instead of "you,"  and make it sound as though you are truly asking their advice.

    Example: What do you think is the best way we might handle the budget overrun that will occur if this plan is followed?

  5. If you shoot down or tell someone how bad their idea is you will totally shut them off to hearing your idea, even if it is better than theirs.  They will be on the offensive and not open to your idea.

    Complement the idea and suggest if you also do your suggestion, would it enhance the result.  When the project is underway you can always suggest ways to improve upon it for the final result.

    Ask yourself why you are so upset that the group does not favor your idea over someone else's.  Are you used to being recognize for being the chief contributor to tasks and have trouble taking the back seat on a task to someone else?  You must analyze why you stand alone on this one, and it may not be because you are always right.

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