
How do you show God that you love Him?

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How do you show God that you love Him?




  1. I bake him really elaborate cakes.

  2. You obey his commands.  The Catholic Church trampled on the new covenant as prophesied in the Bible.  It is also prophesied that Christ would appear a second time to restore Zion, the city of God's feasts.  In 1948, Zion was restored according to Jesus' own words in speaking about the fig tree (matthew 24:32).  Christ has come a second time and has restored the Sabbath (sunrise to sunrise) and the seven annual feasts of three times.

    There are many counterfeit churches out there claiming to keep all of God's feasts, but they do not keep them properly according to the new covenant.  There is only one church of God that keeps all the feasts properly and that is the World Mission Society Church of God established by the Root of David, Christ Ahnsahnghong.

    Although other churches arise and keep the feasts, calling themselves Mount Zion, only in the true church can their eyes see Jerusalem.

    Isaiah 33: 20 Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals;

           your eyes will see Jerusalem,

           a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved;

           its stakes will never be pulled up,

           nor any of its ropes broken.

    The heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother.

    Galatians 4: 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

    No one can counterfeit our true Mother who has come from heaven as prophesied in Revelation.  Before it is too late, flee to Zion so you may see salvation on that great and dreadful day.

    Jeremiah 4: 5 "Announce in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem and say:

           'Sound the trumpet throughout the land!'

           Cry aloud and say:

           'Gather together!

           Let us flee to the fortified cities!'

    6 Raise the signal to go to Zion!

           Flee for safety without delay!

           For I am bringing disaster from the north,

           even terrible destruction."

  3. cake...brownies? Love Him, Obey His Word, Pray, Have Faith and Trust in Him, Live the life he wants you to live, follow the 10 commandments.....listen, trust, worship, live, hope, pray,follow, let him guide you


  4. Through worship and prayer, reading the Bible, and keeping His commandments.  

  5. In the same way as I persuade the Easter Bunny that we'll be friends forever, and convince Tinkerbell that it's not just s*x.

  6. Make him some pot brownies.

  7. Kill for him.  It's less for him to do.

  8. Pray to Him

    Have a thankful heart

    Go to church and worship Him

    Read His Holy Word

    Follow His Commandments

    Witness to lost souls and share the love of Christ with them

    Try to be more and more like Him everyday

    Do good deeds for other people

    Praise His name in every situation

  9. Read His Word

    pray to him

    thank him

    ask for his blessings

    be not ashamed of loving him and knowing his word

    pray for your enemies

    you know, all that stuff the bible tells you to do

  10. Follow His commandments and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do not judge, criticize or mock your neighbor just because they are leading a sinful life. Rather, gently correct them, pray for them and give them a reason to want to be a Christian.  

  11. do what he says, and don't do what he doesn't want you to do.

  12. What?  Who do I love?

  13. Obeying His commands.

  14. try your absolute hardest to live your life the way you knowww He wants you to live

  15. smash serpents

  16. simply follow the commandments and accept Him and His son.

    live the way he wants u to live. and pure and peaceful life

  17. i love myself so much because he made me

  18. That strikes me as a pretty personal question.

    I mean, I use his gifts he gave me and I thank him for it.

    Beyond this, its personal.

  19. By helping others....

    Don't really care about the god part...  it's just something I do...

  20. By doing what he asked us to do.. Following his commandments, reading the word, spreading the word, having Faith. Loving God and Loving others.

  21. Keep his commandments.

    John 14:21

    He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

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