
How do you shred fresh coconut at home?

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I have south Indian recipes that need fresh coconut that has been shredded. How do I do this?




  1. You can actually get a specialised grater for fresh coconut, but they are kind of large (looks like a small stool with a steel semi circle with small teeth- sharp and pointy on the end).

    But best way is to smash the coconut up and the pull the large lumps of coconut away from the shell, or cut them away.

    You can get small tools called microplanes which are good for grating, but failing this your humble everyday cheese grater will do the job for you!

  2. shredder,,,  grater

  3. I used a hand cheese grater. The same I use for mozzeralla.

    You can either lightly bake it on parment paper for just a few minutes to dry it out


    I will put it in tupperware if I will be using it within the next few days for a party or topping.

    Note: while your shredding you will get a lot of extra juice. If you really like that flavor you can add just a couple spoonfulls to a package of vanilla pudding for a tasty desert to have.  Just a side note :-)

  4. I have shaved the coconut and spread it thinly on a cookie sheet. Bake at about 325 for 30 minutes, or until it starts to get a bit brown and dry.  

  5. I have shaved the coconut after removing the shell. it's hard, but you can do that with a knife and then use a cheese grater.

  6. use a coconut shredder

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