
How do you sneak into an R rated movie?

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Well tomorrow me and my friend (we are both 13) are going to walk down to the movies. And sneak into Pineapple express. We both loved Superbad, and Knocked Up. And stoner movies are really cool. So we both really want to see it. but we both want to get away from our houses. Hence the reason why were going to the mall and movies. But we've never sneaked into a movie before. And everyone else in my school has and is trying to give me advice. Our plan is to buy two tickets for a movie thats playing near the same time as Pineapple Express. And give the ticket guy our tickets so we can get in, then get out of the theater and go into Pineapple Express. Any good tips to help us not get caught? And what are the chances we will.




  1. I think you've got the right idea,that's what I've always done with my friends...I shouldn't be giving this kind of advice to a 13 year old,but what the heck why not?lol Have fun!Good luck!=)

    *EDIT*:You guys are taking this question way too seriously,she just wants to have fun and see a funny movie,calm down...

  2. buy a ticket for an appropriate show. (like G or PG rated)

    hand the ticket to the ticket guy. then let him see you actually go to the right theater.

    after five mins, come out and 'go to the bathroom' or buy some popcorn. then on your way back to the movie, go to the R rated one.

    make sure you wear lots o makeup and look like you are 18

  3. uh yeah its easy just do it...good luck  i do it all the time and never get caught...

  4. erm you dont.

    but yeah you buy tix for a PG movie. but go to the pineapple express theatre.

    but you'll get caught hands down.

  5. NOBODY cares. They'll take your word from itt.

  6. i bet police use this site to ya know

  7. who have a good idea. just by a ticket for another movie like sisterhood of the traveling pants 2, and while the mvie you paid is in the preview go and sneak into pineapple express. and if there is a person waiting at the door, just say you lost yuor ticket in the bathroom.

  8. iight dis is watcha do go there find what time it starts buy tickets to a diffrent movie and see pineapple express instead!!!

  9. put an invisabilty cloak on....

  10. me and my friend are sneaking into pineapple express too! But anyways, it kinda depends which movie theater you go to. at most movie theaters, you buy your ticket then you walk inside and the person rips your ticket stub thing and your free to go anywhere before the movie starts. So, basically just walk around a little then sneak your way into the movie place. Its good to come a little late (they dim the lights when the movie starts) and so people wont really be able to determine your age. Have fun!!

  11. buy a ticket to some other movie then just follow some older people into the r rated movie.. i remember when i used to do that haha

  12. There's a new hit movie in town, and you want to see it. Unfortunately, it's rated R, and you're underage. You have no adult to take you, but you want to see it. There is only one option left, and that is to sneak in.

    Try and buy tickets by yourself. See if the ticket person is lax enough to let you in. If they do, go ahead and see the movie.

    Dress like you would if you were the right age to see the movie.

    If they do not let you buy the tickets without an adult; find an adult in line or one that seems to not be doing anything much. Ask them if they could buy your ticket for you. If they say no at first, be willing to pay them some money; a good amount is around $5 plus the cost of ticket. If they still refuse, find another adult and try again.

    If you can't find anybody to pay for your ticket, consider sneaking in.

    Find a ticket on the ground or maybe in the trash.

    Go to the concession stand and get something from there.

    Walk into the theater, and when you're asked to show the ticket, show them your ticket. For most theaters they will rip it, and yours probably will already be ripped since you found an old one. The ticket checker will probably think that you already paid and just stepped out of the theatre to get some popcorn or a refill on soda. The chances of the person actually checking the ticket to see if it wasn't an old one are unlikely. If they happen to check it, make up a good excuse.

    Buy a ticket for a G, PG, or PG-13 movie. Use that ticket to get you into the movie theater. Go into the bathroom and wait a couple of minutes. Come back out and walk calmly into the theater with the movie you want to sneak into. This works especially well if the movie theater is crowded.

    If you don't mind missing a couple of seconds of the movie, step out about 5 - 10 minutes into your "appropriate movie." Go into the bathroom and wait a couple of minutes. When you come back out, walk into the theater with the movie you want to sneak in. Note - this only works if the G, PG, or PG-13 movie starts at the same time as the R movie.

    If there is one ticket checker for all the movies, buy a ticket for another movie, use that one to get into the movie theater, and just walk into the movie you want to see. Note - this works better if all the theatres are immediately visible from the ticket checker booth.


    Be courteous. Keep quiet during the show. Remember that other people have paid to see this movie and do not want to hear a group of kids ruining it. Generally, the only times that kids are kicked out of an R-Rated film is if they are talking/yelling/being-obnoxious during the showing.

    Don't do anything to raise a red flag. This might include being asked for an ID and not presenting one, coming with large groups of teenagers, wearing high school logos on clothes, or buying tickets to a young kids movie. As soon as one staff person gets suspicious they can usually alert the other staff quickly.

    Also if you are a guy that can grow a little facial hair don't shave 2 days before the movie so you look older. Maybe it might even get you the ticket because the person at the ticket booth might think you're 17 and not card you.

    Remember to act natural and calm when sneaking in. If you are tense and nervous, the ticket-checker might get suspicious and will probably check your ticket.

    Try to act mature or older. If you a teen boy try to lower your voice to an older sounding tone. Walk upright and do not make them think you are a "punk kid" trying to get into an R rated movie.

    Going with a friend might make it a bit less nerve racking if it is your first time sneaking in, and if you do get caught you're not alone.

    When sneaking in with whatever you got at the concession stand, try rushing in so it will seem more like you were already watching and want to get back to see the rest of the movie.

    Some movie theaters require a ticket check outside of the theater, which will be more difficult to get in.

    Keep in mind that if you are a bit tall for your age and are within about two years of being 17 (ex. 15 or 16), the ticket people will probably think that you are 17, and will not be suspicious.

    NEVER run away if you get caught. That will not only anger whoever it is that chases you down, but also draws even more attention...possibly a ill-mannered manager.

    Bring a light jacket or hat to put on if someone appears to be looking for you.

    If you can't follow this article, you can also watch movies on the computer. Download a P2P Client or watch movies online.

    Don't be all fake when you walk in and try to impersonate an older person, try your best but don't go over the top.

    If you get caught sneaking in, DON'T PANIC!!! An excuse is good, like "Oh, my parents are in there, I just had to go to the bathroom.", and sound realistic when you do.


    This type of theft may disturb your conscience.

    If you are caught trying to sneak in you will probably get in trouble and your parents and the police may be called.

    Even if you purchase a ticket for a different movie, by sneaking in you are engaging in theft. You can be charged with failure to pay for services rendered.

    It's a possibility you may be banned from the movie theatre.

    Many movie theaters put the date and time of the movie on the ticket, so using an old ticket may not work.

    There is a reason there is an age limit on R-rated movies. If you watch it, and are scarred for life, it's your own fault.

    If you go with friends make sure that your bring friends that won't try to get you kicked out (leave the obnixious,loud,and noticeable friends at home).

  13. Just because everybody else is "doing it" doesn't make it right. Wait until you're old enough. I really don't like reading questions that are unethical/illegal/immoral on these sites.

  14. Illegally

  15. Dress up like a granny

  16. Just get someone to buy the tickets for you, and then walk in there....just like that...nothing will happen.

  17. Trust me I used to work as a theater, you act like you know what your doing and no one will ask you anything.  The way you have to get in for the type of movie is your best bet.  you dont even have to get out of the theater just walk right into Pineapple.

  18. Uhhh...

    You're 13 and you like stoner movies?

    That's not good.

    But the ticket to whatever movie you want to see, then a few minutes later, leave..maybe go get a pop or something or go to the bathroom, come back and just naturally walk in there.

    Make sure you don't look 13, lol.  

  19. wait till it comes out, sry.

  20. The Chances are very Large! And it is wrong and Reckless. Just wait till the movie comes out and buy it.

              Theres Public School for you folks!

  21. have some one rent a dvd for ya

  22. lol

    thats exactly what i did yesterday.. pineapple express is funny as h**l !!!

    dont worry you wont get caught most movie employees dont even care but if you do get caught just tell them you were looking for your parents

    its not a big deal  

  23. umm the ticket dudes that rip ur ticket doesnt look at the name. just go into the movie wens hes done ripping its not like he will turn around and tell u not to go inside  

  24. uhh you answerd your own question. get a movie near pineapple. and go in. Walk in slowly not fast. That will make you noticable

  25. lol i love pineapple express its so funny.

    well im 15 and i had to sneak in but not really sneaking.

    our theater usually lets any body see any movie they want no madder the age.

    but this time my friends told me to buy a ticket to the dark knight then instead of going in that theater we went into pineapple express.

    try picking a movie thats next to that theater.

  26. im 15 i doo this all the time

    How i do it is

    first get a ticket for a close movie like u said

    then go into pineapple express like nothin act the same dont be jumpy

    if you do get caught say your parents are in there

    if they follow you in go sit close to some old ppls

    it works trust me

  27. take a friend that has allready sneaked inside a movie

  28. why sneak in just say ure 30 and say you had a growth stunt or print out a fake id

  29. go into your friends bag

  30. Firstly, you shouldn't be sneaking into movies like that, buuut

    Just buy tickets to a different movie, and just walk around and find the theater that pineapple is playing in, and walk in. its that easy. they hardly ever check people anyway. It's also best never to go on opening night/day because they will check. Same for nights and weekends. Try to go to a matine,

  31. Very carefully.

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