
How do you solve tan x/2 + tan2x? help please?

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sorry, forgot to put =0 at the end

my bad

so its tan x/2 + tan2x=0




  1. Since you say solve, I'll assume you typed + instead of =. The expression tan(x/2)+tan(2x) can be written purely in terms of x/2, x, or 2x but it's messy and long - I doubt any assignment would be that tedious. Solving tan(x/2)=tan(2x) is actually relatively straight forward:


    sin(x/2)/cos(x/2)=sin(2x)/cos(2x)             (since tax(y)=sin(y)/cos(y))

    sin(x/2)cos(2x)=sin(2x)cos(x/2)               (multiply up)

    sin(2x)cos(x/2)-sin(x/2)cos(2x)=0            (move it all to one side)

    sin(2x-x/2)=0              (use identity sin(a-b)=sin(a)cos(b)-cos(a)sin(b) )


    The locations where the function sin(u) takes the value 0 are where u=k*Pi for some integer k.

    so 3x/2 = k*Pi for some integer k

    so the solutions are precisely those x=2*k*Pi/3       (k integer)

  2. Unik has explained how to simplify. But is there something on rhs also?

  3. I'm not sure exactly how you would do this particular question but I have found a website with lots of trig identities on which you might find useful:

  4. isnt that trignometry.

    sorry, but im in 7th grade

  5. sub x = 2m

    tan4m = sin4m/cos4m

    i suspect you have to apply double angle formula

    sin2A = 2sinAcosA

    cos2A = cos²A - sin²A

    sin4m/cos4m = (2.sin2m.cos2m) / [(cos2m.cos2m) - (sin2m.sin2m)] = [2.2sinm.cosm.(cos²m - sin²m)] / [(cos²m - sin²m)² - (4sin²m.cos²m)]

    it'll be a long evalutation but i suppose that is how u do. pls correct me if i'm wrong.


  6. You can solve an equation only!!!

    For something to be called as eqn, there must be a = sign. Sadly it is missing.

  7. tan x/2=sinx/(1+cosx)=(1 - cosx)/sinx

    tan 2x=2tanx/(1 - tan^2x)    


    obeying these formula, u can get them simplified.

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