For my product development product, we want to develop a kit that would enable consumers to speed up the composting process when they use their vegetative waste in the compost. We have different enzymes (amylase-to break down starch, cellulase-to break down cellulose). We also considering using E Coli to help with the decomposition. However, our teacher wants us to use these ingredients in an innovative way. So far, we are testing all of these enzymes and see if they can rot fruit further and faster to help with decomposition. We are testing on banana peels (basic pH) and grapefruit (acidic pH). We want our product to work on a variety of vegetative waste. The ingredients we are using work optimally at different pHs and temperatures. I need help in developing a successful, innovative product and I can't find research that can help me. Please let me know if you have any ideas for our product, websites I can go to, ingredients (easy to get) that I can use, or experiments we can perform.