
How do you spell catlin in irish?

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How do you spell catlin in irish?




  1. Cáitlín

  2. Caitlín

  3. Lilkit and RM are correct in their own ways.

    But in Ireland you would spell that girl's name "Kathleen" for "Little Kate". The 'een' bit is what they call a diminutive. The actual IRISH name is Cáit deriving from Kate (there is no K in Irish) which in turn derives from Catherine!

    Kathleen or any Irish spelling of it was almost totally unknown in Ireland until about 1930 when it first began to appear on Irish birth certificates.

  4. Caitlín thats how I spell it

  5. Kathleen is how we say it, Caitlin with an accent on the second i.

  6. Caitlín.

  7. My friend spells it Caitlin with no fada.

  8. Catlin that's how you spell it in my part of Ireland...No foreign ****** languages up here

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