
How do you spell this phrase?

by  |  earlier

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How do you spell the Vietnamese phrase for "just kidding"? I know it's pronounced like "yung tcha toiii", but how do you spell it? Thanks!




  1. The easiest way would to get the Google tool bar. It has a translator on it that has over a hundred languages. you just write it in English click the translator pick a language and put you courser on it and it will show you.

  2. "giỡn chu't tho^i!" or "đùa chu't tho^i!"

    giỡn or đùa = joke, tease, kid

    chu't tho^i = a little bit, just

    Based on your "pronunciation", I think it is the first version.

  3. ..doesnt sound like any vietnamese i know .. i would say, "chi noi "dung"[ pronounced "yun"] thoi! or "chi noi dua thoi"  both mean i'm just joking.... oh, on second thought you may have "dung chu' thoi" [ just joking/kiding] pronounce "yun cha[short a] thoy"

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