
How do you spend your free time??

by  |  earlier

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Are you more of a outdoor, party animal..or do u prefer to go to rest. movies, travel, the beach, curl up and watch a good movie at home while eating take out...




  1. on yahoo answers

  2. I like to cook, it relaxes me.

  3. I like to go to the beach or drive around and look at mansions and architecture.

  4. Usually going to movie theaters or watching Tv, Lately it has been Yahoo answers

  5. There's nothing like a home cooked meal, then curling up to watch a good movie with an awesome dessert.  No, I'm not obese, LOL!

  6. well I hardly have any free time, but when I do I surf the web and read the bible its the most effetive thing to do..

  7. I mainly like to relax on my days off and spend time with my girlfriend.

  8. What do you mean free time?????? I have sooooo much homework!!! I'll answer that when teachers realize that people want to have more of a life then sitting at a desk all day working!!!

  9. Just laying around watching movies and playing vids in the winter, and sports sports sports all summer long

  10. sitting here answering questions

  11. i dono just lie down

  12. out than go to the movies,than come and relax at home...go on the net....

  13. i collect classic cars so in the colder months when the cars are stored im out in the garage cleaning the chrome , interior, maitenence.  for my bttf delorean conversion im adding some new parts its about 89 percent done. my classic mustang still needs the interior put back in i just had it painted and the brand new interior needs put in..

    when im not doing that i like to TIVO classic tv shows and watch them while sitting and typing on my laptop

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