
How do you spend your free time?

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I am a little stupid when it comes to what to do in my free time. I usually have three day weekends every week so I have plenty of time and I am off my next two weeks but I don;t hae any hobbies :( I want to steal some of your hobbies :) Or i jsut need ideas for things to do. I am open to anything except for taking any classes... I really don't want to do that. So anything else u suggest I will really appreciate it. I desperately need a hobby! ;) thanks guys Oh don't say cooking because I do it anyways and I liek it but i want sth different now.




  1. I love doing arts and crafts, watching movies and cleaning to music!!! I also like playing with my dog, taking naps, watching TV, reading and surfing the internet.

    I also spend a LOT of my time here:

    its an internet game. you might like it, might not :)

  2. on Y!A

  3. Reading, doing challenging puzzles, buy some crossword puzzle books.  Listening to music, watching movies.  Organize your home.  Plant a garden.  Start making soap, sewing quilts.  Good luck.

  4. i spend free time sitting in front of pc,doing work,watching tv,reading books

  5. do what you enjoy!normally I find that I am bored too but when with allot of effort finally start to do something,whether it is homework or video games I find my self having more fun than when I am doing nothing.Normally the case for everyone is just that they are too lazy to start some activity,but fear not!once you do your on your way! and after some time you will start to identify the stuff you enjoy doing in your free time.

  6. I like to read books in my free time.  

  7. i play runescape =D

  8. I like to get me a nice scented candle get a nice cool drink and read a book. Sometimes Instead of reading a book I listen to some ole music and think about the old times.  I also crochet.  But listening to music is my more enjoyable thing to do.  Oh and by the way I put on a nice lounging outfit and make myself feel special.  I also love to get on YA and answer questions, but I like reading the answer sometimes more.

  9. disc golfing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. I do different things in my spare time, i like to donate clothes, spring clean, organize and walk the dogs. Sometimes i like to drive around to different parks and invite friends. I like to catch movies, go to the library. Even going to a new resturaunt or store. Sometimes washing my car takes care of me being

  11. personally i have been knitting lately. im pregnant so i wanted to make my  baby her first blanket the way my mom did for me. time goes by when i do it. and its really easy to learn. u can learn on websites and on you tube.

  12. I love to quilt.  Check out my site: for information on quilting.

  13. I like to make quilts and matching curtains. That way i get the color i really want, good luck

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