
How do you spend your weekend when you do not have money?

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How do you spend your weekend when you do not have money?




  1. You go to the movies, and eat out.

  2. DVD marathon.

    Destroying the house and say I'm arranging

    Playing nanny to my adorable niece!

  3. Stay home for sure.  We still get to enjoy the weekend with the kids and grandchildren.  There are many ways to spend an enjoyable weekend even if one doesn't have money to spend, all it takes is imagination.  And, of course, some chips, peanuts, juice or colas and we're off to a nice happy day at home.

  4. Stay home,watch TV surf the net gardening and blah,blah,blah

  5. I just stay home! Lucky for me I have an internet connection! LOL

    Oh! I also find any possible and edible food to eat!

  6. stay home, watch movies or read, or go outside a go for a hike or a bike ride. you can't go wrong with spending time outdoors.

  7. Stay home of course -- weekend is short with DVD Marathons or Good Books / Best is you have your buddies over and chat the day away, with just few snacks (chips, juice/tea) it still worth it.  

  8. i keep on writing blogs..

    read books.

    movie marathon.

    play computer games.

    do some house cleaning.


    tend the garden.

    decorate my room.

    ransack the fridge.

    that's  too much for just a weekend.

    most of the time i browse the net,read and sleep.  

  9. surf.. the net.

  10. How I spend my weekend doesn't have anything to do about money.   In other words money is not the factor to dictate what am I supposed to do in a weekend.  I'd rather stay at home if I can.

  11. Just stay at home and take care of my younger brother.  

  12. / ....... nuff said!

  13. go to ur friends house or something and eat there. u dont have to pay for food then either :P

  14. Yapping.

  15. answering dumb questions here. :)

  16. Smoke pot.

  17. stay home and clean the house... be productive!

  18. we either stay home and play video games, or we drive to a mall and windowshop, then after, go to borders and read the magazines, and look for stuff that's on bargain sale.

  19. Sleep all day.  

  20. Walk around the neighborhood, the exercise can be good.

    Or free load off your friend's house, if their fridge is well stocked and they have everything you don't have like a Wii. Then stay and hang around.

  21. watch TV; mow the lawn; take nap

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