
How do you spice up a lifeless relationship?

by  |  earlier

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after weeks/months of fun and laughter and quality time suddenly EVERYTHING seems to become dull and uninteresting. i miss how it used to be, yet i can't deny that things just doesn't feel quite the same anymore.




  1. talk to partner about it and find out if the problem is you or SO. that's a first step.

  2. maybe the s*x was only what you had?

  3. Maybe you simply lost intrest in the person in this relationship?

    or in the back of your mind u may like someone else and you dont know it.

    but I would say if you both used to laugh alot maybe go to a bar if old enough,go see a funny movie,go to a comedy club. or invite some intresting friends over. that should help i was in the same situtation once.

  4. That's called the honeymoon phase of a relationship. Everything is fine & great & exciting at the start but that wears off. If there's nothing fundamental that bonds the couple together then things get very stale once the initial period is over. Enjoy it for what it was and move on.

  5. Than try something  that you haven't done before.

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