
How do you stabilize emotionally for the next tourney?

by  |  earlier

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Do you have any rituals? Do you take a break? How long?

Usually, if I'm losing, I go relax for a while. And then, I run through a few hands in my mind to make sure that I'm emotionally ready to play my hands the way they should be played (don't be too passive with KK, for example.)

Winning is my problem. Usually, I'm so excited after a win, I am very impatient in the next game and want to win again.

What do you guys do?




  1. I just have another canadian club and play again.  It is gambling, just flip a coin, call it, if you win go and play again while you are winning....or if you lose, play again your luck is sure to improve.

    If you can flip and call the coin 10 times in a row, that is as lucky as you will ever be and should give up all gambling.

  2. For me the daytime is when I`m in the best frame of mind to play poker. But if I had a cold run ,I at least have to wait a couple of hours , if not until the next day. Things sure look different after a good night sleep!

    Usually when I start up a cashgame ,I tell myself to try and win small pots. That big pots are for big hands.

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