
How do you start a magazine?

by Guest56156  |  earlier

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I am an enthusiastic teen looking to get something good on my college resume. I thought what better than start a magazine about what i am interested in (golf). I did some research and there as absolutely no other sort of teen golf magazine out there. The problem is I have no clue where to start. If you know a thing or two about publishing please don't hesitate to tell. Some things I would be looking for are: layout, advertisements, promotion of the magazine, article topics, economic issues, etc. Also if you are a teen or anyone else interested in golf please let me know what you think of my idea, and also if you have any ideas about article topics. Thanks for your help!

Ps. 10 points for most informative answer.




  1. That's a great idea!

    The one thing is - publishing and launching a successful magazine cost a lot of money, i.e. usually in the millions.

    There are a few tricks, though:

    1) Start out with a blog. Blogs are free to start and look professional on a zero budget. and are two of the best. You can learn about writing styles, layouts, and develop your "brand" so that you will have something to later "pitch" to a magazine company, entrepreneur, or rich relative. You can even put ads on it and start earning straight away!

    2) Start a zine - check out "zines" on wikipedia. Zines are often lo-fi, photocopied self-publications, that you can sell or give away. You will also

    3) Join forces with friends - it takes a lot of effort to write, layout, distribute, and sell your blog or zine!

    4) Stick with it. It's little observations like you've made, combined with loads of hard work, that make it big.

    All the best!

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