
How do you start a political movement/protest and get people involved?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently seen Michael Moores film Sicko, but this wasnt the begining of my questioning what our government isnt doing for us. One of our great presidents said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." well, now i think its high time the people start to do something for their country, by changing the government. Why are so many people so afraid to stand up? Is this what our forefathers fought so hard for? For us to just sit back and be afraid of what our governmnet might do to us if we rebell? No, we shouldnt be afraid of them. So can we bring people together? how can we get THE PEOPLE reved up about these things? Are we just sick of fighting, or do we actually believe there is a reason why we are not offered free health care? or we are now not offering those people who volunteered durring 9/11 help with their health problems? How can we let our elderly be dropped off at homeless shelters because they have no insurance?




  1. Organize an group that will truly serve the interests of the people such as a crusade agaisnt terrorism.  Ensure that the administration will be transparent with no corruption so that the members will be entice to participate without reservation.

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