
How do you start dirt biking?

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I'm 16 years old and I'm looking for a fun hobby. Dirt biking seems like a lot of fun but I'm not sure how I would get started with it. Could I just go to a trail and rent a bike? Or do I have to buy one, take a class, and then start biking? Also, is dirt biking particularly hard? I don't want to really race I just want to bike offroad.




  1. You have three ways to start dirt biking.

    1) You can Kick Start

    2) You can Jump start

    3) You can Electric start

  2. save your money buy a used bikes and jump on it and ride you don't need a class just a helmet

  3. I think you would have to take a class, if you don't it's a big risk

  4. find a person who has a bike be there friend, trash there bike and when you learn how to ride get your own

  5. A bike will be your first order of business. Depending on what you want to do,(trail ride or motocross) a good bike is not that expensive. Since I don't know your budget i can't tell you exactly what to look for, but just do some research on the Internet and see what pro's and con's the bike of your choosing has. Next, will be protective gear, which should be bought at the same time as your bike because you should never ride without a helmet.(I also recommend boots). As far as renting a bike, there are some places but you need to look in the phone book for trails and tracks near you and find out if they rent. There are no requirements for a safety class, however if you do not know anyone who has ridden before and can help you learn you may want to look into this.

    Lastly, dirt biking is a sport of progression, meaning the first time on a bike i do not suggest you go to the track or trail and jump th 90'ft triple or climb the steepest gnarliest hill. That is a good way to get injured. Take your time and get to know the bike and all of that will come to you eventually. There are classes you can take that can show you everything from basic riding skills all the way to pro level training(again check for availability in your area).  Dirt biking is a thrill like no drug can touch and I have a feeling the first time you ride you'll be hooked. Good Luck!

  6. Try these websites:'Classes....

  7. There are no classes that I know of except motocross school for those serious about racing. You really don't need a class, riding a dirt bike is easy provided you get the right bike for your size and skill level and provided you ride somewhere appropriate to your skill level. I also am not aware of any place that rents dirt bikes. So here is what you need to do. First and most important, find out if there is a place that is convenient for you to ride that is appropriate for beginners. I would start by talking to a local motorcycle dealer. They generally know of most open riding areas in your locale. Once you find a place go check it out before you even buy a bike. Visit the place and talk to the folks that run it. Explain your skill level and see if this is the place for you. Once you find a good place to ride find a 4 stroke trail bike, not motocross bike, that you feel comfortable on. One other thing to consider. If you don't have friends to ride with it is not much fun and isn't very safe to ride alone either.

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