
How do you start off a great paragraph?

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I need some help with writing .. Help please :)




  1. Something attention-getting or something that introduces the main point of the paragraph

  2. Determine the purpose of your paragraph. This is the most important part. Your paragraph should communicate what you wish to say.

    What topic are you discussing?

    Who is the audience for your paragraph? What do they need to know and what do they already know?

    Why are you writing? Are you telling a story, giving instructions, arguing a point? If you're making a point, state the point explicitly and prominently where it will get noticed as a point: either near the beginning or at the very end.

    Start your paragraph with the main idea. Asking a question is a good way to draw readers in. For example, the first line of the summary above starts with a question. You may also start with a general statement and give details to back it up or expand on the point.

    Hint that you have an answer to the question and invite the reader to carry on reading. Depending on the writing, the opening paragraph may be a "teaser" designed not give away too much information.

    By contrast, the first paragraph of a well-written newspaper article will almost always give a concise summary of the basic facts of the story.

    Develop the idea further in the next few sentences. Go into more detail on one or two aspects mentioned in the opening paragraph. Try not to cover more than one or two main ideas in each paragraph.

    As you continue writing, address each new idea or group of ideas in a new paragraph. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence and build it with supporting sentences.

    Use transition words to show the relationship of different ideas in your writing. For instance, this sentence begins with words that indicate that it is an example. Transition words can help you compare and contrast, show sequence, show cause and effect, highlight important ideas, and progress smoothly from one idea to the next. See the external links for a list of these helpful words.

    Vary the structure of your sentences. If the last four sentences started with "I", see if you can rephrase them.

    Tie together any loose ends in a final, concluding paragraph.

    Reread and proofread your writing. Change it if it does not say what you intended.

    Practice! Like any process, writing paragraphs gets easier as you do more of it.

    I hope this helps however, it depends on what you are writing about for example all the information I just gave you can change if you decide to write a thesis paper.

    Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!!! :-p

  3. hook line and sinker


  5. Is this a body paragraph, or the introduction paragraph?

    An essay, or a less formal style of writing?

    Introduction paragraphs should start off with, as others suggested, something that makes the reader want to read, to keep going.  Try to avoid asking questions though, that gets trite.  Remember, the introduction paragraph should contain your thesis (if you are writing an essay).

    Body paragraphs need to start with topic sentences.  These are sentences that relate directly to your thesis, and let the reader know what you will be talking about specifically in that paragraph. So. the topic sentence is a mini-thesis, it only has one part of the argument that you are discussing and it will all be discussed in that paragraph.    

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