
How do you start playing the guitar?

by  |  earlier

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I decided that i want to learn how to play the guitar. I've tried to play a few chords but I was wondering if anyone knew a good (free) website that can help me. Any ideas would be helpful




  1. There are a few sites that are helpful. has one, has some info and one I found was linked through You Tube...Global Village or some such.  I will check in my favorites...the link is there.

    : )

  2. hi.... its better to go for guitar classes.. sites wont help u out... ive tried notthin worked out...only classes can give u practical exposure!!

  3. don't hire a teacher, all of my friends who took lessons said you were basicly just paying to play with someone

    frets are the easiest thing to learn:

    there are a row of strings like this:







    the top string on the screan is the bottem string on your guitar (it sounds retarded but once you get used to it it makes more sense). it shows fret numbers on the strings (the number starts at the end of the guitar, 0 means you dont have to hold any fret)







    there are some other symbols like x which means muted note.i dont know them all but most sites tell you what they mean (muted notes mean that you rest you fingers on the string without holding down)

    if you need any more help you can email me.

  4. Email me and I'll give you all the basics and answer any questions you have fast:

  5. Bass is better..... and easier to start off on

  6. Just look up tabs or get tutor and play and the more you play the more better it is you cant really just look it up and bam your Eddie Van Halen you just have to practice

  7. This is the web's most popular guitar learning program

    Good Luck

  8. HIRE A TEACHER... people who think they can learn for free on the Internet, have a fool for a student.

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