
How do you start raising bees for honey?

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What do I need and what do I need to know?




  1. well u get lots of bees and u get the little homes that they live in and then u put them all in there!! 1 queen and take it from there!!

  2. Umm, do you realize they are all dissappearing?

  3. Read a book called: How to keep bees and sell honey.  By Walter T Kelley.  The book will tell you everything you need to know.  The book is only a few dollars and can be bought from the W.T. Kelley co. in Clarkson, Kentucky.   Have fun!

  4. Well, you have to start by buying or making a proper hive.  See that it is set up in a place that will provide your bees with s good source of flowering plants.  You have to get a queen bee and several other bees to get a hive started.  The easiest way is to buy a packet of bees with a queen from a supplier.  The cheapest way is to find a swarm of bees that have split off from their old hive and capture your bees and the queen.  It is not as hard as it sounds if you can find someone with a little experience to help you.

    There are several sites you can use for help.

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