
How do you stay away from trouble?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes when people are having fights I get so into it I tell on it and I just can't stay away.I try to stay away but someone needs to know.Please help me with an answer that makes sense. I need to learn how to just stay away because I get called a tattle tale.I really need help!!!!Thanx!!!!




  1. ignore it. who cares pretend u didnt see. run away. see . didnt i help? i hated fights too but its no big deal

  2. Don't post off topic questions under environment.

  3. Try minding your business.. Or else your going to come across someone you wont be able to help and your going to be the one to get hurt...

  4. When I was in high school, I also felt like I "got into" other people's arguments - I didn't actually fight or argue, but I was way too interested in it then I should've been.  As I matured, I realized that it is better to remove yourself from certain situations rather than look like a nosy, "pot-stirring" gossip.  Unless the "fight" involves something very threatening (i.e. weapons, physical confrontations, drugs) stay out of it.    However, if it does have something to do with one of the above issues, you are doing the right thing by telling someone.  You don't even have to give your name - you can send an anonymous note to the school office, you can tell a trusted teacher and tell her that you'd like to remain anonymous.  However, if the "fight" is something petty, like girls arguing over boyfriends, people talking about each others' flaws, then stay out of it.  Make yourself walk away.  It's nice to feel included, but NO one likes a gossip.  

    P.S.  Your avatar looks like my avatar's long lost twin sister!  LOL.

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