
How do you stay cool in a room that is 90 degrees?

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its 90 degrees in my room. and i have a huge window. and i have a fan. and tips?




  1. get drunk and naked

  2. go for a swim some where.

  3. Ice cubes.

  4. get an air conditioner

  5. 1. Eat some spicy food. It promotes sweating which will help to cool your body as it evaporates.

    2. Place a cool wet cloth around your neck and a wet hat on your head. If possible, you can wear wet socks or place your feet in a small tub of cool water and that will help to cool you if you are working at your computer. You can also dampen the shirt you are wearing and wring it really well then put it back on. This will help to cool your center body, heart and torso which will help to cool the rest of your body.

    3. If you have sunlight blaring into your room, cover that window with a heavy white cloth such as a towel or white poster board to help deflect the heat back out of the room. Avoid using foil as it may generate enough heat at the window to actually break it.

    4. If you have a window that is isn't facing into the sun and you have a spare box fan, place the fan in or in front of the window and turn it on facing outside. This will carry the much more heated air out of the room.

    5. Drink lots of cold water as this will help to rehydrate you after all of your sweating. 90% of hunger pangs are actually thirst pangs but people eat instead not realizing it. This is why most people are habitually dehydrated.

    6. Wear cotton o hemp fabrics to allow your body to breathe.

  6. ask the Fonz

  7. wet a towel and keep a cool, wet towel around your neck, ice pack in it if you can!

  8. spray bottle of ice good

  9. put cold cloths on your pulse points.  wrist, ankles, neck.

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