
How do you stay grounded in your life?

by  |  earlier

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by that i mean centered and content... not grounded by your parents for misbehaving




  1. Many ways. Looking at a meteor shower and realizing just how tiny and insignificant I am to the universe.

    Doing small acts of humility daily, as taught by a Filipino friend in town who is a martial arts sensei. He says nothing is more satisfying than doing some work that would be considered beneath others.

  2. don't stress, keep things you enjoy......AND HAV LOTS OF FRIENDS AND KEEP THEM CLOSE


  4. I have found that keeping a sense of awareness of all that surrounds you during life's everyday activities offers a 'humbling' effect. Learning to 'appreciate' the little things has an amazing effect on ones ability to stay grounded with 'genuine appreciation'. Seeing the 'good' in everything no matter how small deserves the moments recognition...

    Learning to see others who have less than some or those who are challenged yet they endure life with a zest for life. I have learned to have utmost respect for those who are far more challenged, whether physically, mentally or otherwise. I have learned that every moment in life offers a chance to make a 'memory'...Offering my self towards others in the smallest ways has helped me stay grounded...sometimes it is the simplest thing, like a smile that makes a difference in anothers life...Remembering that everything we do is a part of our existence and our existence is forever resembling a 'rippel-effect' something that many fail to realize. With lifes constant challenges we so often fail to appreciate every well as we tend to take life for granted...these are some of the ways I 'try' to remain grounded~ take care~

  5. i made peace with the way the world is awhile ago. i don't judge people, i don't dwell on negatives but i'm not naive either.  

  6. Gravity keeps me grounded.

  7. I dance. I try to figure out what I would do if I had to make a dance to a song and then I dance. Basically anything creative really grounds me because it allows me to express myself without having any rules or guidelines.

    If you are looking for ways to stay grounded, find something you love to do and continue to do it. Drawing, painting, knitting, baseball, running, kicking *** at Wii. Whatever you are good at, continue to grow in that area and then your life is a lot happier. Not only do they make you happy, but chances are they will help relieve any stress you may have.

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