
How do you stay happy when?

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your dreams are being crushed, your life is falling apart & everyone you looked up to is not who you thought they were? My friends are drifting b/c I've been so down for the last has been very unpredictable for me & many don't understand what's really going on/how it's impacting me.

Please help! I'm not exaggerating either. I'm scared & alone >.< I believe in God....but what else should I do??




  1. Accept the following:  &quot;It&#039;s as it should be&quot;

    Accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can, and having the wisdom to know the difference.

    A true friend stays true in adversity and bad times.  A less than true friend drifts away when things get tough.

  2. It&#039;s great that you believe in God but that and having faith is totally different. He&#039;s glad to work in your behalf and through your faith He is capable of turning what seems bad to your benefit.  Sometimes He allows us to be completely broken so that He can reshape us and our lives to His purpose and realize that He is the author and finisher of our fate.  It seems that you are at that reshaping point.  The &quot;things&quot; in your life have fallen apart and you now know you can&#039;t depend on those things because they have no lasting value.  Through no fault of his own Job was broken almost to the point of death but because of his relationship with God and his unshakeable faith, in time all things he&#039;d lost were restored and with increase.

    Some feel that God is distant and uncaring about our troubles but NOTHING could be farther from true.  The sin of Adam and Eve separated us from God.  He provided part of Himself...Jesus the that we could be reconciled to Him.   Read Romans Chapter 8 as it explains Jesus&#039;s purpose.  It is through Jesus that we pray for ourselves and others.  He intercedes with the Father on our behalf because the sacrifice of His blood covered our sin.  As you said, &quot;life has been very unpredictable for me &amp; many don&#039;t understand what&#039;s really going on/how it&#039;s impacting me&quot; but He does even before you try to explain what even you who have the difficulty don&#039;t understand.  

    God is patiently waiting for you to surrender the &quot;mess&quot; to Him and simply say, &quot;Lord (meaning he who rules) I&#039;ve messed up and I need your help.  As a sinner, I know I don&#039;t deserve your care but as one of your children you said I could so I come asking for mercy (unmerited favor) and grace (God&#039;s Riches at Christ&#039;s Expense).  I pray that You give me the ears to hear Your directions and the strength to be obedient in doing what I must to help myself.  Bless me to understand that as long as I am in relationship with You, regardless what may come, I am not alone and I am loved beyond understanding.&quot;

    These are not just some words for me to tell you.  I was blessed to be sensibly raised knowing who I am and Whose I am.  I am an MS patient in it&#039;s secondary progressive stage.  Along life&#039;s way I have had some changes to contend with that I would have rathered not to have to deal with.  But each day I know that nothing is going to happen to me that day or any day that the God and I can&#039;t handle.  There have been some things that have happened where I just wanted to just give up and couldn&#039;t see how it was going to ever be better.  I have been able to look back and see that it was just a prelude to a blessing.   It&#039;s when we can&#039;t see the solution is where faith comes in and by our faith in Him we are rewarded.

    My prayers are with you and for you in this time of crisis.  Yes I can pray for you specifically even without knowing your name because God knows you down to the number of hairs on your head.

    You are loved.

    Be Blessed

  3. Google a short piece called Desiderata. It answers all the issues you have raised. Good luck &amp; best wishes. UK

  4. Go out with your friends, but try and lighten up a bit when you&#039;re with them.  There&#039;s a time and a place for serious and heavy discussion, but make sure it isn&#039;t just that every time you meet them otherwise they&#039;ll try and avoid you.

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