
How do you stay humble?

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what does it even mean to be humble?




  1. Someone as great as me is bound to be humble.

  2. On an unintentional note, I make mistakes quite often and fine myself humbled by having to apologize or take some other corrective action.

    Intentionally, I make an effort to remember my greatest moments, and then weigh them against the achievements of those I consider truly great in the world. I also take time to consider that as much as I may want to complain loudly about some situation I'm faced with, I'm not living in a war zone. I feel fairly certain that the sun will rise on a peaceful morning tomorrow.

    Not everybody can go to sleep with this same sense of peace, and that makes me feel decidedly humble. I had very little to do with the events that led to me being so fortunate.

  3. being humble means you are not prideful of what you have and what you havaccomplished. it is knowing that there are always goig to be peoel less fortunate than yourself and knowing that material objects do not bring happiness in the way that people assume they do.

    you stay humble by accepting the fact that you don't need it, just because it's pretty, you don't need it to be happy all you need is love

  4. My understanding of the term 'humble' is to not think of your self as worth anything.

    But I do not agree that this is right, we are all important and worth something.

    Snow Man

  5. why would anyone care if they are humble? if your in a position to be arrogant why not go for it? i would.

  6. I stay humble by thanking God every single day for all that I have: food, shelter, health, money, family, friends, a job, etc...

    I also ask Him to continue to provide these things that I need to sustain my life for without His assistance, I would have nothing.

    I show God I am thankful for what He has provided for me by sharing it with others when I can. A meal, a ride, a smile, a few bucks, etc... I prove to God that I truly depend upon Him by paying 10% of my tithes each week. Afterall, He's the one who got me the job in the first place!

  7. I stay humble by helping those less fortunate than I.

  8. When you believe deep in yourself that you are not better than other people, that will show up automatically on your behaviour and this is when you are humble.

  9. I believe that you can become 'humble' by being mindful of other people. This does not come easily - you have to work at it.

    You can work at it through meditation and study - (difficult to do on your own).  There are professionals who can help you get on the path and direct you.

  10. I stay humble by expecting the worst and hoping for the best. No matter how many times I may get something right, I make sure to imagine that those around me have some trump card way to prove me wrong or inferior if I overstep my boundaries.

    I can be confident, but I need to make sure I am always respectful

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