
How do you stay in a saddle while a horse is cantering?

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I used to ride a big horse named Joe. Then i was switched to a energetic horse named Taboo. When Joe cantered, i felt safe because he is big, but when i canter on Taboo, i am scared, and feel like im going to fall off. even though Taboo is fast, is it just as safe and easy to stay in the saddle? I am scared of taboo when we are out riding because he was cantering once and started a roll of bucking. I fell off, and now i cant have fun because im scared of falling off. Can anyone please give me Expert convincing help, because I have to ride Taboo from now on. Thanks So much. I want my spirit back, so im not afraid even to gallop.




  1. Wait a second! You said he started a roll of bucking. Do you mean that he bucked you off? Not a good horse if you are learning to ride. You don't say if you are riding English or Western - there's not enough to really address this. Staying on a horse is obviously about experience. After that you learn it's mostly in the thighs. Also, the experience of both the horse and rider are important. Again, not enough info. Maybe you should not canter Taboo until you are more secure with it.

  2. hold onto the horn and  practice practice practice until you feel comfortable to let go

  3. This is one of the hardest questions to answer/explain as a trainer.  It's truly a feel!!  In English riding, you need to sit deep in the saddle, as if someone tied a string to your tail bone and is pulling in downward. You have to make sure that you are relaxed, but not slouchy, and let your hips move back and forth with the horse, but don't get stuck behind his movement!!  This is deffinately something that is feel thing and once you get it, you get it!!! If he starts to buck stand up slightly in your saddle just so you're bracing yourself on the sturrips, and keep your back up, and straight,and DON'T LOOK DOWN!!! If you keep your balance with your feet underneith you and your back straight you should be able to work him though it!!!  Good Luck!!

  4. They say the best thing to do when you get thrown, is to get straight back on and dont be scared. A horse can sense you are scared, dont know how but they do.When you are cantering go with the flow of the horse work with him gripping on with your knees, its much easier to work with him than against him, show him that you are the boss not him. I hope this helps you safe riding.

  5. well what works some times start riding like someone elses horse bareback and that will get your balance up and always keep ur feet forward! never back cause then you just go right off the horse.

    dont worry my horse he took me for a ride a few weeks ago and went flying down the pasture and took me off on the barbwire fence! ugh.

  6. First, you need to try and build your seat. Bareback riding helps alot with that, and as for the bucking, I used to ride a horse that bucked alot. Eventually I got used to it and I didn't fall off anymore. It may just be that Taboo is a very bouncy horse. If that is the case, it is pretty hard to sit down in the saddle. Make sure you are not stiff, but relaxed because horses can feel when you are stiff. Your problem isn't because your horse is fast, because I have ridden dozens of fast horses and their canter is smooth. Sometimes, its just the way horses are and you can't do anything about it except get used to it. If you are worried, you can ask your trainer for advice. Don't be afraid of falling off because the more you think about it, the less fun you will have. Besides, every great rider falls off at some point.

  7. sorry i would have to see you riding the horse to see whats going wrong. good luck!!!

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