
How do you stay motivated when you're ?

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having a big clear out? Also where do you start? I've decided to have a bit of a clear out and tidy up today. I'm sick of the clutter and mess. Please help x




  1. You make your house REALLY messy then call those Kim and Aggie people off that cleaning program to do it all for you!

  2. start from the top and work your way down i normally start in the bedrooms rooms and work my way down through the house.

    always make sure you have everything you need dusters,cloths,detergents rubbish bags etc

    turn off the t,v and blast some tunes out instead the least distractions the better

    get everyone involved in it husband/boyfriend kids who ever is there give them things to do to lighten your load,if they insist on not doing anything to help throw them out!!!

  3. Just keep thinking of the end result and tell yourself u have to do it.

  4. If you're trying to de-clutter and get rid of some things, have a few boxes handy. Toss stuff you think you don't need anymore into the boxes, and organize the rest of what you want to keep. Getting unnecessary stuff out of the way makes it easier to tidy up a room.

    If you're not sure you really want to toss some things, put that stuff in a different box. Once you've finished clearing out the room, put the box of stuff you're not sure about in an out of the way spot, like a closet or your garage. That way if you find you want something, you can pull it back out of the box and you'll know it's useful. If after a week or two, or even a month, you still haven't needed those things, you can be rather sure you don't need them anymore and get rid of them.

    Good luck!

  5. Your best bet is to start with the biggest mess first and work your way up to the smallest, this way you have tackled the hardest and most messiest at the beginning when you are least exhausted Good Luck !

  6. Do one room at a time - you'll only get dispirited if you try to do the whole place at once. Get some boxes in - put stuff you want to keep but that go in other rooms in appropriately marked up boxes. Stuff for charity shops in another - stuff to throw away into a bin bag. Put all your paperwork into a box to sort later. Get the room reasonably straight first. Then turn out drawers one by one - do one or two an evening - sort through these in the same way. Have a bit of music on or the wireless (not TV) to help relieve the ennui. And don't get distracted - if you come across something that needs attention, stick it in a to-do pile, and come back to it later.

    Keep chipping away at it and you will soon start to see real progress.

  7. Make a list of what you have to do. Start with the easiest things to do, and move to the hardest. When you start to complete tasks, you'll become motivated b/c you've accomplished something! Also try sectioning off the room you have to clean. Doing one thing at a time is the best way too go. it makes the mess seem that much smaller! Good luck!

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